Farbbalken #

Verwenden Sie es colorbar, indem Sie das abbildbare Objekt (hier das AxesImagevon zurückgegebene imshow) und die Achsen angeben, an die der Farbbalken angehängt werden soll.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# setup some generic data
N = 37
x, y = np.mgrid[:N, :N]
Z = (np.cos(x*0.2) + np.sin(y*0.3))

# mask out the negative and positive values, respectively
Zpos = np.ma.masked_less(Z, 0)
Zneg = np.ma.masked_greater(Z, 0)

fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(figsize=(13, 3), ncols=3)

# plot just the positive data and save the
# color "mappable" object returned by ax1.imshow
pos = ax1.imshow(Zpos, cmap='Blues', interpolation='none')

# add the colorbar using the figure's method,
# telling which mappable we're talking about and
# which axes object it should be near
fig.colorbar(pos, ax=ax1)

# repeat everything above for the negative data
# you can specify location, anchor and shrink the colorbar
neg = ax2.imshow(Zneg, cmap='Reds_r', interpolation='none')
fig.colorbar(neg, ax=ax2, location='right', anchor=(0, 0.3), shrink=0.7)

# Plot both positive and negative values between +/- 1.2
pos_neg_clipped = ax3.imshow(Z, cmap='RdBu', vmin=-1.2, vmax=1.2,
# Add minorticks on the colorbar to make it easy to read the
# values off the colorbar.
cbar = fig.colorbar(pos_neg_clipped, ax=ax3, extend='both')

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